Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Political Minority: The Most Effective Way for Change

     Change, a subject which is preached, wanted, but often never followed through. Many people agree that regime change is needed for several aspects in today's government. Hot topics especially include foreign policies as well as immigration laws and reforms. An example would be the continous debates about Mexican immigration to the United States. Several of the factors that are discussed when this issue is address is the policy the government has towards illegal immigrants, visas, deportations and many more. However, it appears that less people are going about the reformation the wrong way, do not have a compelling argument, or even have a true voice which could recognize their claim and work to get it fixed.
     An example would be from the movie Walkout in which several students organized a walkout of the school in order to send a message to the School Board and others that the conditions and rules of the school are an injustice. These students, first radical, became organized by several different groups, teachers, and other students in order to make the injustice known and done so legally. It is important for issues such as these to not be handled radically because just like the movie did it, the facts and intentions may become twisted and untrue, to the point where the credibility of the argument is lost. There have been several instances where issues are addressed and either major protests or events occur that changes the way people think and even the issues themselves. There are several other media outputs that address issues like these such as Stand and Deliver or Freedom Writers. Even during my lifetime there have been major protests such as the major marches that occurred after the H.R. 4437 law was passed which incremented penalties towards illegal immigrants.
     However as much social media outlets say, as much people heavily influenced by their culture, or even educated people there are, change is not done by simply complaining nor rebellion. It is understandable for the want for change to come quickly and easily but it is not done so due to lack of understanding. One way that does work though is politically. Politicians are the people who are suppose to be the voice of the people and the carriers of any aspirations the people want or deserve and should push for them to other Politicians to make it legal or illegal. It is through Politics that people see the most change and it is the way I believe change should be conducted and needs to be conducted in order to solidify the change, make it legal, make it known, make it right, and make it for everyone.
     I live in a country which is a melting pot of different cultures and with a government that's suppose to be by the people, for the people. That is why I agree with Rodolfo O. de La Garza when he states that, "Latinos become more settled into American society, they develop more realistic views of the polity and society," (2004, 94). However no matter how realistic or fantasize the wants or views are, they will not be legitimize nor recognized. However the unjust laws and other beliefs can unless they are reformed. An example would be how U.S. policies such as N.A.F.T.A. (Northern American Free Trade Agreement), force Mexican migration such as that of Smithfield taking the jobs of pig handlers that were once massive in Veracruz Mexico. There are also several other laws and groups such as Dream Act, the Bracero Program, and even quotas from I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) that need to deport a certain amount of immigrants by years end. These are all issues which do reflect Social issues and some Economic, but the way to dissolve or aid them is through the Political standpoint.
     It is through the political system in which change will come not through rebellion. Though protest are effective too, they are more towards getting the attention of politicians or significant figures which could change what is needed legally. As a Mexican-American, I understand and love my culture and acknowledge the faults that come with policies created. However, it does myself nor any others who can relate any good complaining and moping about the situation. Instead what needs to be done is like in Walkout  or Stand and Deliver or any movies with the same message, the first step is becoming aware, then organized, then educated enough to be able to become the leader of the group with a causal argument that is compelling, credible, and rationalize. Complaining doesn't help anything, nor does attempting to be an activist on a small scale. Sure you may gain some supporters but from there an escalation is needed to back up the claims and prove to all not just others of the same situation that these issues must addressed and dealt with fairly. I agree that much like others did in the de La Garza reading that the situation is dire in Mexico but just like how reformation needs to be done here the same goes for the issues in Mexico. Mexican can not always rely on the United States or other means of escape forever, nor should they. Though I agree they are very beneficial to the United States, they are not being all they could be for Mexico. Which is why the first step to changing an injustice is getting mad, getting aware, educated, and involved!

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