Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Racism in the US

Racism has always been around in the United States. It's a bit odd to think about, considering America is a melting pot of different races and ethnicities. Even white Americans aren't native to the land. But as the country developed so did the notion that some races are better than others. Americans had African slaves which they brought over to work for the rich white man. Slaves were looked at as less than human. Then you had the Chinese Exclusion Act, which prohibited Asians from moving to America through Angel Island. Slaves were eventually freed, but they were segregated in everything from whites. We all learned the story in school, Martin Luther King Jr. rallied peacefully for equality, made his I Have A Dream speech, and helped integrate black and white schools. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus. And after all that people were equal, and racism was thwarted. However,
that is far from the case.
Today, there is still racism. Towards every minority group in the United States. However, Hispanics are  now taking a large hit from it. According to Tanya Golash- Boza, Hispanics are viewed as less intelligent and affluent by the white majority. Not only this, but they are also viewed the same way and looked down upon by African Americans and Asians. According the the article, Dropping the Hyphen, Puerto Ricans even refuse to call themselves Puerto Rican Americans because of the amount of racism they receive. The negative connotation of illegal immigrants stealing jobs doesn't help either. The majority is enraged by it, yet they work all the jobs they don't want to do.
Racism is a two way street though. Since so many people look down on Hispanics, they often start to become very proud of their nationality and start to look down on others as well. It's easy to remember the ones who do negative things to you, but there's always the people who don't say anything at all, who really have no negative thoughts towards different people. Hispanics and African Americans often even look down on members of their own race who have lighter skin than them. Not all white people are racist, and some members of minorities are racist. And vice versa.



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