Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Race Latinos Y Gueros

Now a day in the United States many people are judge not based on what they know, or what they do for a living, instead they get judged based on your race. A great example of this is brown skinned Latinos. A lot of people think “oh since you’re brown you must be Mexican and are here illegally to steal jobs away from the Americans.” When in reality those “brown people” could be Guatemalans or Salvadorians or anybody else from Central and South America. And yes even though many Latinos come to the United States illegally that doesn’t mean that ALL Latinos are illegal. Many Latinos are actually in the United States legally and live and honest life.

Something that really caught my attention was that the United States puts in so much effort to get rid of illegal immigrants but they focus for the most part on the Mexican border when Latinos are not the only immigrants coming into the United States illegally. Canadians are the ones who are most likely to over stay their visas but yet the Canadian Border is one of the least guarded borders that separate two countries. If the United States really wanted to stop all forms of illegal immigration they should put as much effort towards the Canadian Border as they are with the Mexican Border. Yeah many people may say that “Mexicans bring in drugs and all that” but in reality so do Canadians. Per year the CBP interdicts around 40,000 pounds of illegal drugs. But you don’t hear people talk about that. Most are focused with the illegal drugs coming in from Mexico. I personally think that it is really messed up that Brown skinned Latinos are getting harassed and worry about deportation but yet these white Canadians could be living calmly since people aren’t targeting them. To me it seems like if you’re white you must be American but if you’re brown you must be illegal. Mexicans aren’t the only form of illegals in the United States. There where an estimated 11.2 million undocumented immigrants in the united states in 2012. Mexicans do make up about 6.7 million of undocumented immigrants but not all of it.
  I feel that we live in an era where everyone should be treated equally regardless of one’s race. But yet it still seems that the Caucasians are getting all the benefits while minorities like Latinos and Black are getting all the hardship. I hope that within time we as a nation could go on living without discrimination towards someone’s race.  

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