Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Is the problem illegal immigration or discrimination?

    Every single day Hispanics try to cross the border into the United States. Some make it, others don't. All of these people have one thing in common. A better future. In Mexico and other Central and South American countries, governments don't look after and help them as much as the U.S. government does. This makes it very hard for them to achieve wealth. In the U.S., many peoples dream is to achieve extreme wealth, a huge mansion, many cars, and very expensive clothing. Most immigrants don't come to America looking for all this. They simply cannot survive with the circumstances that they are living in, and the only thing possible for them to do is to look for change. Most immigrants that migrate to the U.S. would rather not leave family, friends, and there homeland but they must in order to succeed in life. Migrants cannot simply cross the border. They must succeed in many endeavors in order to even make it into the U.S. And once in the U.S., they must start on their next list of goals such as finding work, a place to stay, and people to help them through their journey just so they can work long, exhausting hours to send the majority of their paycheck back home.
    The point I am trying to achieve is that many people don't view immigration from both sides and they blindly throw out criticisms, racist comments and in some cases abuse. You must see that immigrants were not born with the privileges and securities that U.S. born people have, and that all they want is to live their life. Who are we to say that someone cannot go somewhere? This world belongs to no one and I find it shameful that we even have borders, but that's another topic to be discussed in a different blog.
    People who are strongly against immigration from Mexico into the U.S., solely the extremists, seem to be another racist group without openly admitting this. They say that immigrants are third world invaders coming to colonize the United States, and that these immigrants are disease ridden and infecting our country with plague like diseases. How immigrants are murderers, rapists, and terrorists. I do not understand these people, and how they can talk about another human being like they are some sewer rat that is only coming to the United States to cause havoc.
    The article I found explained how Anti-Immigration extremists depict illegal immigrants as enemies or villains. These people also do not make the distinction between illegal and legal immigrants and simply view all immigrants as intruders and not welcome to live in the Unites States. These extremists also do all possible to recruit more people to unwelcome immigrants using various tactics and lies such as propaganda and job opportunities.

Immigrants do not come to the U.S. to cause problems. They come in order to keep themselves and their families alive. They come to improve their life. They come because they have no choice, so instead of pushing these people away, maybe the United States should listen to their stories and help. I mean, the least we can do is give these people the rights and privileges that we were born with in order to help them have a decent life. I'm sure most immigrants, if given the option, would much rather me at home with there families making a decent living instead of risking their lives and taking chances by coming to the United States.

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