Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Black/Mexican Unfairness

Watching the movie Walk Out has sparked and interest in me to pursue some research on the similarities I've noticed of Blacks and whites.  I must admit I was never aware of how not only Blacks struggled for fair treatment and equal rights but Mexicans do and still do to this day.
I feel like Mexicans are the US’s blacks today. Most of the attention is put on Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans. The graduation rate for Mexican’s is not high and is actually at 28 percent while the black’s graduation rate is 78 percent. This proves that educationally Mexicans are worse off. Of course one must take into consideration that being a citizen and an illegal immigrant does play a role in the percent given. 
 The picture above show's the unequal treatment of African Americans during the 1940's and early 50's. Schools being segregated down tho the water fountains available for use. The picture below shows the unequal treatment and rights allowed to the Spanish and Mexicans alike. Why is the Blacks and Mexicans standing there with a finger pointed at them why not the Asians or the Germans?
Perhaps the answer's to these questions will never be answered  I believe that if your ethnicity or race is different or not alike to the United States your pointed out. The United States is a melting pot full of different beliefs, cultures, and traditions yet being a different color or illegal alien  is not excepted unless of course your from Canada, in this case the United States will turn the other cheek. The movie also showed how the students fought for the bathroom to be open  and Spanish to be allowed to be spoken and taught. This is just some examples of the unfairness Mexicans fought to change in the education system. Food was also another difference in treatment. No Hispanic foods were being served in schools and was being noticed by many Mexican youth. 
America has came along way from treating Blacks unfair to then treating Mexicans unfair. This stigma has not ended but has publicly been announced as decreasing. Those that still notice would agree with the fact that Blacks and Mexicans have undergone the most torment over the years dealing with education, jobs, citizenship and acceptance.
Another factor that plays into part with why Blacks and Mexicans are looked and treated differently upon is gangs. The biggest gangs in the United States come from low income families in urban areas. These kids have nothing else better to do then drop out and try and come up with drug money. One of the biggest gangs in the United States  is a Hispanic one followed by Black gangs then white gangs. Most of the literature of these gangs are to better there communities like the Latin Kings of Chicago and the C.R.I.P.'s of California; however now these  groups have doped these beliefs could it have something to do with the unfairness in society put on to them? I believe so. This is just a couple thoughts from my mind.

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