Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Race Around the World

When you think of the colors black, white, brown, or yellow? What do you think of? If your answer was people, then you're a RACIST!   Their actually just some of the colors of a Rainbow. Now, if you think of a Rainbow what do you think of? If your answer is Gays, Lesbians and Trans-genders, maybe shouldn't play this game, because your labeling particular groups. Of Course this is a joke, but maybe we should stop labeling and categorizing people ourselves. Race is just another way to categorize people by grouping similar physical traits, such as eye shape, skin color, or hair texture. Labeling and stereotyping races has been alive since racism existed.  A Flash Mob is also a group of people, even nerds are a group of people. Each of these groups are defined by its individual characteristics whether it is racially, by particular dance skill set, or socially; but none the less, each one is a group.

Race has always been a controversial topic among people. It has been since introduced to man since, our brains could tell us the difference between any two people. The differences just in this type categorization is between people and of our race. Racism originates from ignorance, insecurity, and fear. Racism has caused genocide to the Jews in WWII, oppression of African Americans in the Western Hemisphere, and to the downfall of Native Civilizations in most of North America and part of Central and South America. It is a very childish way of judging, oppressing, and murdering people just because of their looks and beliefs. To put this ignorant ordeal in another perspective, what if people were killed based on liking chocolate cupcakes or killed if they didn't have the new I-Phone 5. I think we can all agree that this idea is childish. This just had to be pointed out even more, so that any racist reading the last sentence could feel how ignorant many think this whole ordeal of Racism really is.

Identity within ourselves has to do in part with of our race and ethnicity.  Not just our race but our Ethnic backgrounds  which is our customs, language and social ideas that help us as a people come together. Many people celebrate who they are, with great pride. The roots of our Race and ethnicity bring many of us together whether its family, friends, or just strangers. Our racial identity helps us to define what role we play as a gender, sexual orientation, and other aspects of identification are prosessed and experienced. We by meaning all races celebrate our struggles, our victories, our misfortunes, and our beliefs. Many groups and have great pride of who and what we are. Each of these factors play to a degree of our own identities.  

Race till this day continues to break people apart. How to battle Racism and our differences is by confronting it.  It can be confronted in many ways, not just by violence. Violence has and always will be used to fight racism, what people do not see is that violence begets more violence. By fighting physically we as people are adding fuel to the fire of Racism. As it was said before, Racism originates from ignorance, insecurity, and fear. To battle our differences of race we need to fight it without actually fighting. Simple approaches can be used such as comedy, explaining our similarities,  using our education, and just killing them with kindness to fight racism. By using these approaches and confronting our differences, we can all be united by more than just our race, but be united as a people.
Ashby Musiczone, "Chris Rock-Funny Racist Jokes"
Rabow, Jerome "Models of Racial Identity"
ExKlansman "How to Fight Racism" The Exklansman.com
13 Feb 2012 Web. 31 Mar. 2013

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