Thursday, February 14, 2013

Populism and His Wife

One of the most influential rulers of Argentina was Juan Peron and military based populist. Populism was based of winning the voted by the masses. Such as campaigning to as many people as they could. Get the vote from the majority of the population. Peron focused his views on helping out the working class people.
Juan doming Peron was born in 1895 in Buenos Aires. He joined the military academy at age 16 and chose to live a career as a soldier. In the time of Peron’s uprising Argentina was in a peaceful state so he traveled the world to observe military styles. When he visited Italy he favored the style of Benito Mussolini. When returned to Argentina he first was positioned as secretary of state in 1943. He made promising reforms to the working class which got him elected as leader in 1944. His first term he showed promise, in his change by creating reforms as nationalizing the banks and railways. Fair wages to the workers and a limit to hours a person should work. Paid off the Argentinian debt, and made allies with both of the opposing sides of the cold war.
                Peron was first token out of leadership by the government in October 1945 because they thought he was too strong. He was soon reelected back to off, because of the amount of people who  had rallied together in protest of his impeachment.

Peron second term is where he started to have problems in control. It is because his wife Evita passed away of cancer. Evita was a known radio host. Peron and Evita met in 1945, and married after Peron saw her in a conference rally on supporting the poor. She was Peron’s main support; she was the voice for the people and helped the poor. Because of her was the reason why Peron had so many followers. She was an Amazing woman. After her death they actually tried to get her to be elevated to the saints at the Vadicant.
                Peron’s opposing parties mostly the conservatives were able to stand up and chase Peron out of Argentina. On 1995 Peron was exiled out of Argentina for eighteen years which he spent in Spain and Venezuela. In 1973 When Peron was reelected he arrived for Spain and around three million people showed up at the airport to show there greeting to Peron. And only a year back in power Peron died in July 1, 1974 of a heart attack.

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