Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Coup in Brazil

Military Coup in Brazil

Joao Belchior Marques Goulart was born on March of 1919 and a son of a rich farmer and as well as a land owner. Who gave an order to the troops in Rio during the revolution in the 1930s, this brought power to Getulio Dorneles Varges. Joao Studied law and social science at Porta Alege, Graduating in 1939. But Joao gave up his career as a lawyer and began to work in the family business. In 1945 Joao found himself involved with politics when he met with a man Verges. Joao joined a Labor party and was also elected to the state of legislature of Rio. On March 31, 1964 in Brazil with the defeat of President Joao Goulart by the armed forces, helped by the United States on April 1, 1964. The coup put an end to the government of Goulart.  Jango which is member of the Brazilin Labor Party who had been elected Vice President in the same election that led Janio Quadros, from the National Labor Party and backed by the N.D.U (National Democratic Union) to the presidency. In 1946, Goulart have automatically replaced Quadros as president, but he was on a road trip to China. After a long negotiation, leads mainly by Jango's brother-in-law Leonel Brizola, then the government of Rio Grande de Sul, Goulart's supporters and the right wing reached an agreement.               Janio Quadros resign on the month of  August 25, 1961. August 29, Brazilian congress heard and vetoed to stop Goulart from being named president, by the heads of the three branches of the military and some politicians, who claimed Goulart's inauguration would put the country on the road to civil war. Brazil then would become a parliamentary democracy, with Goulart as President. He would be the head of state, but with limited powers of head of government. Tancredo Naves was named as the new minister. January 6, 1963 Goulart changed the system of government back to presidential democracy, won by a large margin. He found him-self back in power with a deteriorating political situation. During this period, Goulart was politically isolated, with a foreign policy which was independent of any alignment he openly criticized the Bay of Pigs invasion by the United States, but criticized the Cuban regime of Fidel Castro during the Cuban Missile Crisis.                            This reminds me of the movie I am Sam directed by Jessie Nelson. He had to overcome adversity and many social aspects of normal person, but being an intellectual disabled man that is significantly impaired, he dealt with many struggles and empowered  it. He had to learn the ways of the being a father  while at the same time dealing with societies views on his condition and his difficulties of learning and  grasping a new routine other than the one that he knew and also fighting for custody of his seven year old daughter . In the process teaches his cold-hearten lawyer the value of love and family.


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