Wednesday, February 13, 2013


THE MOVIE (BLOW) feat Johnny Depp on Pablo Escobar


 Pablo Escobar Documentary


Book: Born in Blood & Fire
(A Concise History of Latin America)
Written by: John Charles Chasteen. 
Commentary on article: La Violencia, Pablo Escobar, and Columbia's Long Torment
La Violencia was an internal war that Columbia had, starting in the 1948 lasting till 1958. It started after the assassination of a famous populist leader named Jorge Eliecer Gaitan.  The fight was about Social Economic Change. The fight was between Liberals and Conservatives an which lasted 10 years. Resulting in the 10 years passing over 200,000 Columbians were murdered.
Pablo Escobar being born right before La Violencia started, and then finally ending in his late teens. He was baptized in Violence and surrounded by it, his entire life. Growing up, he first was involved in petty crimes He did anything petty to get money just to survive. Robbing people, lying, selling false items just to make a buck. Being shown how bad the world can be at such a young age in the streets, created a domino effect for Pablo's future behavior that tormentented all of Columbia and parts of the U.S.
 Pablo Escobar seen by his behaviors he didn't want to be a victim, and he didn't want to be at the bottom of the food chain either. His Attitude toward life was cocky and arrogant.  After growing up in the environment of crime and death around him also being involved in the Medellin Drug Cartel, he saw that violence was the only thing that can bring change to his life. Which was a very sad truth that he learned in the streets. The simple idea of violence finally led him to be the Biggest Drug Lord in Columbia and one of the wealthiest men in the world.
 People may think, well why didn't he just leave Columbia and start a new life in another place? As if it were that simple, keep in mind surrounding countries were all at war with Dictatorships, Governments with their Cold War Scares, and hiding Guerilla fighters that would have killed him if he didn't join. So his chances were best to just stay in Columbia were he knew the territory, had his own connections with family and friends, and lastly having resources in Columbia. Columbia was the safest place for him to stay where he had a chance. He saw that the Drug Business had many opportunities at that time when he entered it competition was low, so he just jumped right in. Pablo had a very strong will and a go getter type of attitude towards life. Violence helped him get quick results.
There are simply two perspectives in which Pablo Escobar can be seen in. Either people hated him or loved him.
 Many people's perspective in the America's and Columbia on Pablo Escobar was that he was a money hungry monster that poisoned millions with his Cocaine,  and murdered anyone who got in his way. Terror was a means to get whatever he wanted.  
 While on the other hand, others saw him as a Robin Hood helping the poor, giving ordinary people hope to become something more than to just be a powerless peasant. With the money of Escobar he built hospitals, schools, funded civic activities and housing projects and also backing kids football teams. Everyone especially Young kids were drawn to him and his Cartel, because the only way to the better life in that time was to be involved drugs. It was a sad truth at that time, but it also gave peasants hope for the better; which also powered Pablo against the Columbian Government.
 In Conclusion, my personal perspective towards Pablo Escobar was that he was just an animal surviving in the jungle, and the two animals there were either enforcers or victims.  He did wreak havoc to many and I understand why people would hate him. Especially his victims families, but in the end he was just surviving and helping much people as he can in his own way.

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