Thursday, February 14, 2013


Ernesto Guevara de la Serna born in Rosario, Argentina went to school for medicine. He traveled around Latin America observing the great poverty all-around him, starting his Marxist beliefs. During his travel he found that the only solution to this problem is to start of a revolution. He came to look upon Latin America not as a collection of separate nations but as a cultural and economic entity.
 Ernesto traveled around and eventually settled for a while in Guatemala. At the time experimenting with significant land reform under President Jacobo Arbenz. He later then traveled to Mexico where he met Raul Castro and his brother Fidel. Guevara became part of Fidel Castro's army to overthrow the Batista government in Cuba. He served as a military advisor to Castro and led guerrilla troops in battles against Batista forces. When Castro took power in 1959, Guevara became in charge of La Cabaña Fortress prison. It is estimated that by the mid-1960s, 14,000 Cubans have been executed without fair trials. 500,000 Cubans were incarcerated in labor camps.
 Many argue that Che was a murderer who lost focus of what his main purpose was or was simply a good for nothing thug but is seen as an urban symbol of a rebel. Che opposed freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, protest, or any other rights. Guevara became upset when the Russian pulled out from their nuclear missile during the Cuban missile crisis. He was willing to taking the life’s of millions because he thought that the ashes will serve as a basis for a new society. Che Guevara races? Cuba was the government that Guevara helped create. It was a government where 90 percent of the prisoners are black, but only 9 percent of the government is black. In Ernesto’s book were he talks about himself in “Motorcycle Dairies” he explains when he was younger he fought the nuns of a catholic church because they refused to feed their congregation. Was Guevara standing up for the poor or was he giving us his attempt to turn people against the church which he later on expressed.
There are many questions to ask. Does the U.S want us to think of Che as a monster because they fear that his words of socialism and communism will spread? Does Hollywood make out che to be this righteous hero just for sales? Was che indeed a hero?
The way I see it Che will always be misunderstood. He had a vision and fought for that vision. Wither he was or was not a terrorist, murderer or a fanatic Ernesto Guevara became an international icon and the subject of countless myths and misconceptions. In my opinion people are always going to question wither Ernesto “Che” Guevara was a man fighting for the people or was he just a war lord. Ultimately, deciding whether or not Che the Latin-American revolutionist, was a hero or not is a personal decision.

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