Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Communist Revolution

What necessarily is Marxism? It is simply the fundamental ideology of what is today’s modern communism. Marxism itself was the idea brought up by one of the most influential German philosophers and social thinkers Karl Marx, alongside Friedrich Engles. Their ideas were simply to have the disposal of any means of social class. He was in favor of rather than having the rich or the poor to simply having the equal. In my opinion it was a great idea in order to get rid of any type of social order. Though many of the lower class/poor were obviously followers of the movement, you always have the opposing party. In the Marxism movement that party would consist of the middle class as well as the upper class, due to the fact that they would lose everything. Many countries believed that Communism or Marxism was the solution to problems within their nation. Therefore the ideology of communism was then adopted by many of the southern countries. With the creation of the “Communist Manifesto” It helped to inspire the lower class societies to rebel and create equality. The manifesto explained the injustice of the capitalist economic system. It also went on including the pointing out of the abuse of the working class by the Bourgeoisie (capitalist). With the Bourgeoisie gaining control of the production in addition to control of property, it was essentially centralized for their own welfare. Marx and Engels created the manifesto as a theory to the service of building a movement. The manifesto did just that and became the base of a very important movement, the Cuban Revolution. Lead by one of the world greatest revolutionists Fidel Castro. At the time at witch Fidel was very unpleased with the running of his countries under Felgencio Batista, he decided to take action. After his accusations of Batista’s corrupt and tyrant ruling he decided to take a hold of the ideology of Marxism and make a change. Alongside Ernesto “che” Guevara they began to spread there revolutionary ideas and later on replacing Batista’s regime with that of the present communist party of Cuba. In the end Marxism and its creation had a great impact on many countries. Though not many feel that it fulfills the needs of its countries for example the United States, I have had thoughts about how the United States would be if it was a communist country. I feel as if we were a communist nation things would be much different more in a sense as being considered a second world country besides the thought of probably being behind in everything as well as isolated from the rest of the world . Hence I am glad the U.S decided to make sure they stayed away from communism. In the long run Cuba made the decisions they needed to take by rebelling with the leadership Castro and becoming a communist country. Though they are one of the most known, there were an extensive amount of countries that at the time also choose the ideology of communism. To name a few there was Angola, Albania, Afghanistan and of course the Soviet Union. Presently Cuba is one of the only five communist countries in the world along with China, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam.

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