Thursday, March 7, 2013

What is the American Dream?

For many years now, Immigrants have been coming to the United States for the American Dream. The dream of living a better lifestyle, making more money, and having hope for their future. The reality is that sometimes that American Dream isn't that special at all. Many immigrants come here with even more of a struggle then when they lived back at home. People suffer from leaving their families, crossing the border, fearing that someone will catch them. When they finally get to the United States, it is the struggle of actually finding a job and making the money they need. In many situations, some immigrants take jobs that don’t pay well at all but they still will do anything for that money.
                In the article about the Veracruz workers, some of these workers had the advantage of moving to the U.S. and working for these tobacco industries because they have experience. With this experience and being in the country already, they have more opportunity to develop more skills and have other job offers from other businesses. They have hope for the future and one day find a way to get their families to move with them. What a lot of people don’t understand is that these immigrants that cross the border have many experiences with agricultural. The United States has many opportunities for these people to make a living off of their expertise. People who live in the states now don’t want to take those jobs because of the harsh working conditions and the amount of pay that is offered. If there are people willing to work under these conditions then why not give them that opportunity.
                I believe that there isn’t an American dream anymore. We have become a very selfish country and our economic standing isn’t considered to be great anymore. Yet we still have immigrants wanting to come to our country. Yet we are still deporting people who have been in this country for years, created families, and created a life here. I don’t think it is fair especially since these people don’t get the same benefits as a normal citizen would. There should be an easier way for these innocent people to be a part of this “great” nation.
                The first Article I found is a brief summary of a book called “Killing the American Dream: How Anti-Immigration Extremists are destroying the Nation”.  The book summary explains how there are plenty of anti-immigration hate groups who terrorize immigrants in this country. This is developing harsh laws being taken place in many states in the southern part of the United States. The ending of all this hate crime is the diminishing thought of the American Dream.
                Although there are many people who find immigration to be a problem, there are still people who try to help these civilians and their families. The second article I found was about a school district that developed programs for Latino students and their parents. It helps parents take GED classes and gain certain skills for better jobs. They help them land interviews and help them learn the English language as well. For the younger kids, they also help them learn English and put them in programs to advance their learning environment. This program also helps students gain scholarships to universities they want to attend in the near future.

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