Friday, March 8, 2013

The Rising Cost of Citizenship

The Rising Cost of Citizenship

Just in the last 15 years, the cost of becoming a U.S. citizen has risen. The application fee has risen from $95 in 1997 to almost $600 today. For many immigrants, this is a big financial problem. And it could be one of the main reasons why more of them don't pursue citizenship.
            The report from the University of Southern California's Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration connects the cost of obtaining U.S. citizenship to the nation's 8.5 million legal permanent residents who are eligible to apply for naturalization, but haven't done it.
            With reference to related studies, it points out that in 2007, about 52 percent of legal permanent residents who were eligible to naturalize were low-income. The cost factor has surfaced in other surveys of immigrants, including in study from the Hispanic center which noted that Mexican-born legal residents naturalize at lower rates than other immigrants. The report’s survey lets us know that an overwhelming 93 percent of Latino immigrants who have not yet naturalized say they would if they could. Of those Latino immigrants eligible to naturalize, almost 20 percent have found financial costs as a main problem factor to naturalizing, with another 28 percent conveying language and other personal problems. This further suggests the negative impact of high costs on the rate of naturalization, especially for groups with lower incomes and English-language difficulties.      
            Naturalization numbers over the years from the federal government do show out how fee hikes have affected applications, in particular the steep increase in 2007, when the price of applying for U.S. citizenship rose from $330 to $595, not including an additional $85 fee for bio metrics. The 2007 fee hike prompted a rush on N-400 naturalization applications. The numbers spiked in the earlier part of that year as people tried to get in ahead of the fee increase.  As for fiscal 2007, a year in which the increase was in July, there was no surge in all other applications in that year but there was a big surge in N-400 applications, followed by a decline in the latter part of that year and into 2008.The government processed almost 1.4 million naturalization applications in 2007; applications dropped to less than half that number the following year.
            As much of a hurdle as it is for some, the price problem is difficult to solve. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency that handles naturalization  operates based on the fees it collects.  A more recent round of agency fee increases in 2010 spared the N-400.
The report suggests it might be worthwhile for Congress to appropriate more money to the agency; it also mentions micro-loans as one solution that's sprung up in immigrant advocacy circles, although some observers call this "a Band-Aid to a deeper problem."
            There's an economic irony as well. The same low-income legal residents who say it costs too much to could ultimately benefit financially from having U.S. citizenship. The report points to one study that examined immigrants' income the year they naturalized and found that citizen immigrants realized an eight to 11 percent increase in individual earnings, with the increase taking place over the course of several years after naturalizations.
            I personally do not agree with how the prices of becoming a citizen are rising so high. Immigrants that come to the United States from Mexico in search for a better life find a promising future here but with these prices these dreams are put on hold. Not only do the higher prices affect the immigrants themselves but also affect the United States because the higher the price the greater the chance for people to become less likely to pursue a citizenship and prosper in the United States. All this at the end affecting the U.S because whether one is a citizen or not in this country the money being worked stays in this country. This also affects Mexico because its ensuring that most of its people are likely to stay due to the high costs of citizenship leaving all hard workers in their native lands to help the economy prosper there. Bottom of Form


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