Thursday, March 7, 2013

Seeking Better Life

            Imagine risking you very life just trying to seek a better future, not only for yourself but for your family. Imagine traveling for days on end through the blistering desert or trying to swim across a river that can swallow you whole and not knowing if you will make it to the great land many people talk about. Unfortunately this is the case for millions of immigrants who choose to make that journey to seek a better life here in the United States.
There are many reasons why people choose to make this like risking journey through the desert or cross the river to the United States. The reason that most people are familiar with is that they come seeking the “American Dream.” That is to work and provide a better future for their family here and help their family back in Mexico. In Mexico there are not many job opportunities. According to Fox News Latino there are about 60 million Mexicans who fall below the poverty line in Mexico. So seeing that there is not much of a future in Mexico many choose to risk their lives by making the journey across the border.
 But as of lately that is not the only reason. According to The Christian Science Monitor many immigrants are now coming to the United States because they fear for their safety. Since 2006 there have been more than 13,000 people have been killed in drug related violence. And now many people get threats saying they have to “pay” for their safety. So now people are not even safe in their own home country so they seek peace in the United States.
So even after the people who actually make this like risking journey and arrive at the United States they face so many problems. The most simple is that they are in a new country not really knowing anyone or even knowing the language to communicate with others. Also when many come, they come with nothing but the shirt on their back and the shoes on their feet. They have to start all over. But how can they start all over when they don’t even have a job. Many are stuck working in factories, construction, or just very low end jobs working for sometimes less than minimum wage. A lot of the people that I know that are stuck working in factories are actually happy even though they bust their backs doing the work and getting paid less than minimum. But what they tell me is that they are just happy to actually have a job and have money in their pockets and not worry about “paying” for their safety.
I feel like people shouldn’t have to risk their lives in order to seek a better future. I am sure there could be some ways that the United States can help out. Many say they don’t want Mexicans here because they “steal” many jobs, but if the U.S can help Mexico with creating jobs many would have “steal” these jobs because they will have jobs back in Mexico. And why not just help out those who have already been here the majority of their lives who just seek to make something of themselves. I think that bills like the “Dream Act” should be passed to help those who have been here and seek to better educate themselves and hopefully have a better future. 

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