Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Immigration Reform

Immigration is such a big issue. I, as coming from a Mexican background I have had family members cross the border illegally in order to be able to provide more for their family. Their intentions have never been to “steal” jobs away from people. They are not picky about what job is available. All they want to do is work. For the most part, many take the jobs that are offered and that not everyone is willing to do. Not everyone has that motivation to wake up early and cut the grass or do a job at a pay that is ridiculously low and unfair. They are not bringing violence or anything. They all want the American dream and everyone has the right to that. The United States should not decline in welcoming anyone in.
When I heard about the dream act, it made me really happy and excited for everyone who is going to benefit from this act. It is going to provide so much for students that graduate from the High School here. By giving them their Residency, their life is going to change and only for the best. The fact that they are able to get an education that they are capable of obtaining and take of advantage of the opportunity is wonderful! By passing this act, there would be no regrets. The knowledge and experience learned is a benefit because it will stay in the states.
   There are some big college names like Cornell University and Arizona State who support the Immigration Reform. They don’t want to retain students. Some of them have to be denied because they are illegal and that is not fair. There are many bright minds out there but because they do not have citizenship they can’t continue their education. There is always an advantage by having bright minds. Our president has brought up an idea about having a green card stapled to their diplomas with a Master’s or Ph.D. Imagine having talented and smart young adults from around the world be from the U.S.
Recently the former governor from Florida, who agreed on the path to citizenship, has changed his mind about it. An article found in states that, “But Bush's new book says it is unwise to offer citizenship to undocumented immigrants, since he says that might encourage more illegal immigration”. Were we not all illegal immigrants at one point? What makes it different now then back in the day? It’s still the same why shouldn’t one illegal immigrant have the same rights that in this case Bush’s grandfather did.
Immigration is and always will be a heated debate. There are people who agree that they should have the same rights and be able to obtain their citizenship while others believe that they shouldn’t. Everyone has his or her own reasons about why, but the picture should be looked at a broader view. I only see positives by offering illegal immigrants, not only Latinos but also everyone across the world citizenship to not only themselves but for everyone in the States.

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