Friday, May 3, 2013

Reading From The Left
Why is it so dynamic and evolutionary? This is the question that always pop in my mind every time I think about south America's politics. Since I graduated from journalism and start shaping my view about the world I was taking immediately by Russian writers such as Pushkin,Dostoyevsky,and absolutely by Yuri Bondarve “The Hot Snow Novel.” However, the heroes of the human cause lived on the other site of the world, they dreamed and song on Latin American's soil. Simon Bolivar, Che Guevara, and even the most rebellion musician Bob Marley, they all fought for humanity,freedom,and equality.

My fascination by the Latin America’s history inflamed in 2000 when I went on a trip to Nicaragua and Cuba , I witnessed the love of music, I tasted the rebellious blood in each drink,and I observed the contradiction of the Marxism philosophy. The south America’s politics is similar to a volcano in its resting stage ready to erupt at any time. By taking the historical back ground into consideration,this article will analyze the influential elements that shaped Latin America politics. One of the great aspect in South America formation is “ self-identity” for Latin American's people as a whole. Since the present of the Spanish ship on the shore of the Paria peninsula to the moment that last Spanish soldier left the continent , one question faced the people's of Latin America and needed to be answered “Who are we” The present of the White -European and the enslavement of the Black-African
changed the homozygous society of the indigenous people to a heterozygous society with lost identity. The rise of Nationalism movement throughout the continent was the normal outcome for long search for an identity to be claimed. The nationalism movement in South America fulfilled most of the need of Latin's societies on the psychological aspect such as self-identity and national pride as well as the economic needs such as jobs and production. Within Nationalism came the idea of self-acceptance and foreign rejection, the Latin American's people rejected the White- European identity and embraced the Native identity. The rise of communism in Latin America was also the outcome of the rejection to the USA intervention and manipulation of the political and the economical situation of the continent. The communism version of Latin America stand as example of its uniqueness;in other word, while communist regime around the world started to collapse after the fallen of the Berlin's wall ,the communist parties in Latin America are making an astonishing comeback.

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By putting all the previous discussion and points into a concept of understanding the complex mosaic of the Latin American's politics, the role of self-determination and identity seem to be clear. No doubt other forces such as did influence the political scene,but the rejection of the intruder usually highlighted the day . This motion of identity-searching and rejection of other was no created from a vacuum,but was the out come of along history of colonization and revolution.

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