Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Demanding Latino learders!!!

Latino students are less likely to continue or finish their education due to lack of knowledge on higher education as well as lack of monitories for Latino students.

Latinos who are to be the first to attend a four year university walk in unprepared and uninformed which often is the leading cause of dropouts.  As a Latina our whole lives we were raised to respect our elders. When the teacher is teaching you keep quiet and listen.  But those rules don’t apply in college.  Our parents are the first to be by our side encouraging us to be successful and motivating us for a better future. But, unfortunately that is not quite enough.

If Latinos with higher degrees were to come back and help prepare future students the likeliness of Latino students with advance degrees will increase. Way to often Latinos who achieved an advance degree do not come back to the community and try to reach out to the future leaders in their old community. If those who have Masters and doctoral degrees were to come back and give advice on what to expect in college and share their college stories: this would give upcoming students some type of insight on what to expect in college.  A type of bridge program for high school student to get them informed about the opportunities in going to a University while preparing them for academic, social, and financial success.   

Students who choose to go to college usually attend Hispanic Severing Institution HSI. Latino students tend to be very family bound due to our culture. However, because of this students would rather attend an Institution that is small, affordable and is close in proximity to home they do not get to go out and experience the opportunities only offered in better or prestigious schools.  Here’s a thought to question, research found that Students at Hispanic Severing Institution (HSI) are more likely not to graduate or further their education in higher degrees then Latino students that do not attend a HSI.  Why is that?

A problem that I have notice is that the percentage of Latinos in a four year university is extremely lower than the percentage of students who attend a HSI/ community college. Also students who attend a HSI/Community college have a likeliness of stay longer then the two year expectation before transferring to a university or do not finish at all. Often there is no one pushing student to apply to universities and that is the problem. This brings me back to my first argument.  If Latinos with higher degrees were to come back to reach future college students, we would not only be increase of Latinos in university but an increase in students finishing school and continuing on to higher degrees. We need more leader and mentors to step up and help the Latino community rise.

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