Thursday, May 9, 2013

Making It Happen

                It’s a good feeling knowing that Latinos/Hispanics now hold the largest number for 18-24(year old) college enrollments. In 2011 the number of 18-24 year old Latinos was at about 2 million. Latinos also were counted for 16.5 percent of all enrollments. Not only have Latinos held the highest number of enrollments but they have been creating record numbers with them actually finishing college with about 112,000
Latinos finishing and earning their associates degrees and close to 140,000 receiving their bachelor’s degree. Even though these numbers are pretty staggering they are still behind whites and blacks when it comes to receiving these degrees. Regardless when comparing numbers from now to back then Latinos have been touched by the movement and tagged along. Though we are behind at the moment it is progress and it’s happening quickly. With dramatic increases, for example there was a 15 percent increase from 2010 to 2011 alone. We are also now the largest minority group on campuses across the nation. Though many Latino students aren’t necessarily going to universities they are being attracted by HIS’s, they are basically small college credited establishment. I would really like to see more Latinos then there already are on big university campuses, as well as a bigger Latino population on schools like Harvard University, Columbia University and even colleges like Dartmouth. It is for certain that Latinos are in numbers, not only that but besides being one of the biggest populated groups I want to see Latinos attend these top schools to show that we also have the smarts. In a couple of years I would also like to see that many more Latinos are completing college not only attending. I say this because Latinos also hold a big number when it comes to school failure. The number of school failures or Latino college dropout could be dropped but it needs to start with parents adding incentives and pushing their young ones to pursue college and higher education. I say that because of the cultural argument that explains one of the main reasons why Latinos are failing out of school. The cultural argument claims that children are stuck in “culture of poverty” which means that a lot of Latinos are use to a cycle of failure where they know that regardless there going to fail, therefore lacking in school and failing out. Another big thing would be changing some of the class learning experience and education level at certain schools. Many schools lack in teaching students in general what they need to know in order to be prepared for college. Not being prepared for college obviously means that the form education at the moment is doing nothing but setting up students to fail. Though Latinos/Hispanic college statistics have greatly improved there are things that can be done to make even greater changes. Seeing it I believe it all will have to start with Latino households and parents encouraging these bright teens. Latinos are making it to colleges and more and more will be completing it. These are topics and things that I love to learn about because you know that your ethnicity though not wanted is making moves.

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